Save jeans. Save lives.
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Our CEO, Vin, articulates our Vision

our mission

You save jeans from being burned or dumped, we donate 90% of profits to save lives. A simple mission: Save Jeans. Save Lives.

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How we save jeans

Fast fashion is the problem. Fast vintage fashion is our solution. We make buying vintage fashion fast so you can stop buying fast fashion and save jeans from being burnt or ending up in landfill.

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HOw we save lives

Every year, 5 million young people die from preventable diseases. BOAS saves their lives by donating 90% of the profit from saving jeans to the best lifesaving charities, like The Against Malaria Foundation. This makes you a lifesaver.

So far we’ve saved

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Profit for good

Our Vision

We want all of you to go out and save the world by doing one very important thing.


That’s right, the simple way to save the world is for you to keep doing what you do. Buy what you are already buying, for the same price, but from companies that use their profit for good.

With profit for good, the profits from the products you buy go to solving the world’s biggest problems, like climate change, rather than the world’s smallest problems, like what color your third Ferrari should be.

Companies make 10 trillion dollars in profit each year. Sharing just half of that profit for good could solve climate change, save 5 million lives each year and end extreme poverty for 600 million people. That’s why we believe profit should be used for good, so we put our money where our mouths are, donating 90% of profit to save lives.

But we need more Profit for Good companies like Patagonia, Bosch and BOAS. When we decide to use Profit for Good, we could use :

$2.5 trillion to avert climate disaster

$1 trillion to lift all 600 million people out of extreme poverty, instead of lifting billionaires into outer space.

Less than $1 trillion to save almost all 5 million young lives lost by preventable diseases. Every. Single. Year.

So even when we start using profits to solve the world’s biggest problems, we still have more than 5 trillions dollars, or 5 thousand billion dollars, each year to spend on smaller problems like Ferrari color choices. We might still pay investors and founders for some of the risk they take building and funding companies that solve important problems. But in a world where profit is used for good, we will have to give up some of our ferrari’s, private jets, spaceflights and superyachts. And we know it’s asking for a lot to give up your metallic neon green third ferrari, but isn’t that a small price to pay to save millions of lives, end the suffering of 600 million extremely poor people and save our future?

The choice is yours

Buy the change you want to see in the world. Work at a company that creates that change. If that company doesn’t exist, build it. And if you are wealthy, use your millions to fund the next Patagonia, Bosch or BOAS and we will come.